What is General Dentistry?
At Reading Smiles, our team are dedicated to long term preventative dental care for the whole family.
Dentistry today has evolved, using the latest, gentlest modern techniques we aim to provide outstanding private dental care at affordable prices.
Treatments include routine dental check ups, hygiene visits through to root canal treatments. Effectively, anything that contributes to your overall oral health.
Treatments such as crowns, veneers, implants count as cosmetic dentistry as they significantly impact the appearance of the tooth.
What is tooth decay?
Tooth decay is when acids in you mouth dissolve the outer layers of your teeth.
The acids are formed by the bacteria in your mouth combining with small particles of food (particularly carbohydrates found in sugary food and drinks) and saliva to form a sticky film (plaque).
If the plaque is allowed to build up, the acid begins to break down the outer surface of the tooth. Eventually this can enter and cause damage to the soft matter at the centre of the tooth.
What are the symptoms of tooth decay?
– Tooth sensitivity
– Bad breath
– Brown, black or grey spots appearing on your teeth.
– An unpleasant taste in the mouth
Ignoring tooth decay and leaving it untreated can lead to further problems such as gum disease or cavities.
How is tooth decay treated?
For later stages of tooth decay, depending on how advanced the issue is you may require a filling. If the decay has travelled into the soft matter of your tooth, you may need root canal treatment. In severe cases where the tooth cannot be restored it may need to be removed.
What is Root Canal Treatment?
The infection in the tooth is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth and then enter the tooth. The infection can be caused by damage to the tooth or trauma, such as after a fall or by advanced tooth decay.
What is the procedure for root canal treatment?
When is a tooth extracted?
– The tooth is unrestorable through tooth decay, trauma or periodontal disease.
– Wisdom teeth may need extracting if they are impacted (stuck and unable to grow normally into the mouth) and therefore may cause recurrent infections in the mouth.
– In orthodontics to help create space for the other teeth to be moved into straighter positions.
Tooth extractions can be done in a single appointment, with a follow up appointment for more complex cases. Our dentist will be able to advise you on the best options for your situation.
What is a dental filling?
The process involves removing the decayed tooth material, cleaning the affected area and then filling out the cavity with a dental filling material such as porcelain or a tooth coloured resin (composite). Amalgam (silver coloured) fillings can be offered however by nature they are visible and many people choose to replace these for a more natural looking filling.
The advantage of a dental filling is that it helps prevent further decay, and consequently more complex treatments.
If you are in need of a dentist in Milton Keynes, our dental practice can provide assistance. Smile Rooms MK, located in the heart of Milton Keynes, is a sister dental practice to Reading Smiles. Both dental practices are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and provide high-quality dental care to their patients, such as orthodontic, cosmetic, general, and dental implant options.