What Is A Dental Bridge?
The artificial tooth is strong and can be treated as a normal tooth. After an initial consultation with you we will discuss the most appropriate treatment options to restore your smile.
When is a bridge used?
There are different options for dental bridges depending on your needs such as Maryland Dental Bridges, Cantilever Bridges and Fixed-Removable and Fixed-Fixed Dental Bridges.
Improve your smile today!
How much does a dental bridge cost?
The cost of a dental bridge varies depending on your situation.
Typically, the fees for a dental bridge range start from £650 depending on your individual case. You can book a free consultation with our specialist to understand your options, as well as alternatives that may suit your lifestyle.
We offer 0% APR and interest bearing finance and other payment options to help you spread the cost of your treatment.
Please see our fee guide here or book a free consultation for advice on the treatment and your suitability.